how hard it is to be happy with life? The answer should be easy, not only as in easy to answer but also EASY to be happy. Yet for me, this miserable bitch, all answer will be in the form of a shrug. Or a sigh. Why? Because for me, it's not an easy question to answer, nor it's easy to be happy. You know, again I said, it supposed to be easy. All you have to do when you're not happy is to laugh your problems off. Forget whatever misery life brings. Or simply to be grateful of what you have, instead of counting what you don't have. If I think straight, there are a lot of things to be grateful of. Those who know me close will be able to tell you all those things that I should be grateful of. I was raised in a strict, but very happy family. Loving parents. Great sisters. Financially? I never have any problems in getting what I want. Growing up was also nice, have many great friends, long lasting friendship with several of those people. In short, I have too many things to be ...