
Ayah, Abah, Father, Dad, Daddy, one word so simple referring to a man whose sperms create us, some of them, even raise us with love, care and patient to make us what we are today. While for me, I use Bapak, which later changed it to Daddy, to call this man.

Lucky for me, I am one of those people who are raised by their father. Again, lucky me, not only raised me, but he also showered me with love, care and patient. Even now, when he’s not around anymore, because Allah loves him more than we do, I can still feel the way he loved all of us in the family.

Bapak is one of a kind.

Physically, he was a handsome man. Sometimes during our quality times together, he would asked me “Your dad is a handsome man, huh?” and I would just said “Yeah, sure!”. I don’t know why I answered that way when my heart always convinced that he is, in fact, the most handsome man I ever know. I guess I just don’t want to hear him repeating what I said over and over and over, because he just loved it when I complimented him on something.

Smart. Creative. Full of ideas. Bapak is brainy. He was very smart! One thing that we always remember about this guy is that he always knew what to do. Broken pipe? Call Bapak. Dead electricity? Call Bapak. Paint the house? Call Bapak. Accounting? Math? Marketing? Ask Bapak. Stuck in life? Call Bapak. Need Motivation? Talk to Bapak. He knew what to do and just the right thing to say!

Just a week before he left me, I was at my lowest mood. I am currently managing a big event and since this is my first event ever, I am just clueless. So I came to him whining, I told him that I couldn’t do this, I am clueless because I have no experience in organizing event. Then he said,”Well, that’s what you are good at, doing new things. You always manage to get things done well! So this event won’t be a problem for you. I believe you can do it!” And that put my spirit back on my shoulder.

Funny. Silly. Laughing maniacs. Jokester. However you want to call it, this character will be the one we remember most! My dad is a very silly person. He likes to joke around. He teased me and my sisters all the time about anything from boyfriend material (he always bragged himself to be a 3 dimensional man that is very hard to get, since there are no other 3D man like him in the world, well, that might be true..) to our eating habits.

I will remember most how he liked my foods. When I ate something, he would instantly want the same kind, or just taking some of them. Man! I hate that since I don’t share my food. The last morning we spent together, he watched me as I ate my breakfast, then my mom teased him of wanting what I ate, but then he gave us his funny face and said “Enggak tuj..” (just the way I always says the words). I always wonder (sometimes he even wondered) why he always wanted my food, because somebody else could eat them before, but the minute he saw me touch it (or even think about it), he would want it as well.

My dad is an extraordinary person. So extraordinary that Allah loves him a lot and wants him to be by his side. He is happy now, since he loves Allah more than he loves anything else in the world. He devoted his life to his religion, to Allah. He always made sure that we are grateful to what we have. To always do our prayers. To obey Allah. To love Allah. The sound of him reading the Quran will always be heard in every corner of the house. The sound of him preaching about the hadits will still be in our heads and Insya Allah, will always be reflected through our actions. The love he has for Allah and Rasul will be pass to us as he always shared these loves since we were only a baby.

One other love he shared with us, is his love to my mom. He loves her so much that he said “My wife is my love, my life and my death”. We teased him when he looked lost every time my mom has to go out of town. His clothes would be of different colors, he would forget to bring either his cellphone, his medicines or his handkerchief, or forgot all of those things, even his briefcase. From his gleaming eyes, you know that he loved to hug and kiss my mom or watched sinetron that he didn’t like just to be near her. He loved to make her happy by buying beautiful things for her and gave it as a surprise presents.

I like it a lot when I saw him look at my mom with love. I laughed hysterically when he took my mom’s hand and pretended that they would do ‘naughty’ things as he locked the doors. He loves her so much that he still had breakfast with her an hour before he left her forever. He loves her so much that he took his last breath in her arms while she was kissing him amidst the panic.

It has been three days since he left me, my sisters and my mom. Yet, I miss him like he has gone forever.

I miss his arms around me.
I miss the way he raised his hand so I could hold him.
I miss the sound of his laugh when he teased all of us.
I miss the way he motivated me.
I miss my fights with him.
I miss the way he drove me insane with his high expectations.
I miss the way he teased me and my sisters all the time, and laughed until he cried if he made us speechless.
I miss his wish list, every month I received my paycheck.
I miss his silly dancing when he heard some crazy MTV music.
I miss his ‘sok tauk’ attitude.
I miss the way he wanted to be updated with our lifes by asking us many questions.
I miss all the little things he does to make us cracking up!

I miss him…
I miss him…
I miss him…
I miss him… So much it hurts!!!!!!

Daddy, now you know, that I couldn’t live without you. That it hurts to breathe and realized that you’re not around anymore; to wake up and hears no sound of your voice reading the Quran; to continue living but won’t be seeing your smile at the end of the day.

Well, daddy, I love you. Not because you’re an amazing and extra ordinary individuals, but simply because you’re my DAD!

With Love,
Kikie, Ika, Citra, Leli dan Mama
Who miss you a lot…


meimeiletti said…
Kie, I truly wish he could read your writing so that he knows just how you feel towards him. But even not so, I'm sure he loves you guys A LOT. I hate myself for being such a cry baby and weep at your blog, but I'm just a weepy gal I guess... Anyway, may he rest in peace ya Kie... Amiiin...
Anonymous said…
I came across your blog, and after reading this I sat here and cried for a minute. I too lost my dad, and completely sympathize and understand how you feel. Stay strong and always know that he is right beside you no matter where you are....

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