
I want to ramble about so many things, but haven't gotten the chance to write..

I want to tell you about what happened at work
I want to tell you about Retti, who bought a new laptop
I want to tell you about my little sisters
I want to tell you about the love of my life who's getting married next week
I want to tell you about my new teaching job that I turned down because I am so busy
I want to tell you about the new book I've been working on with Retti
I want to tell you about the bad date
I want to tell you about my sadness that doesn't even make me sad anymore
I want to tell you about how I miss Santi so much
I want to tell you about my love life that sucks big time but don't even make me care anymore
I want to tell you that people dissapoint you somehow, that you can't control their mind, but then there are some that will help you get back on your feet again
I want to tell you about the losers I have the chance to meet
I want to tell you about interesting people I met through the internet (Thank GOD for it)
I want to tell you stories that's been filling my mind

I want to talk..
to laugh..
to chat..
to scream..

just to tell my stories..


Soon I hope.


meimeiletti said…

And I too want to share about the time when I got my laptop. Hehehe...

I love the thing.

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