Dreams and Wishes

Paulo Coelho said "when you want something, the universe will conspire to help you achieve it!".

This time, I'm wondering, will the universe conspire in helping me achieving my dreams?

It's finally here for me to just GRAB it.. would I be able to do that?
I'm scared.
But it's common right, to feel scared when you're so close from your dreams. Your wishes.

I hope not only I will be brave and GRAB it!
But also, I would be able to actually GET it!!!

Oh dreams.. You make my heart ache. You make the knot beats stronger here in the center of myself.

Oh wishes.. Why can't I just be satisfy with my comfort zone? Why can't I stop wanting?


Please ya Allah.. help me this time! Because I want it so bad.

Ps: Let you know in a month if I made it! Hopefully it's good news!


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