
Ternyata menerima yang terbaik itu susah juga yah.

Remember all those posts about me trying to achieve my dream? Well, I don't get it.

I want it bad. But I am afraid that if I get it, I wouldn't be able to bear the consequences.. so I asked GOD to give me the BEST.

Now, he gave me the best! Gue gak lolos dari berbagai seleksi yang udah gue ikutin sejak bulan Juni. Saat ini sih gue belum bisa liat kenapa gue gak dapet.. tapi I believe that GOD must have planned something greater than this..

But for now, I just want to say.. accepting The Best ternyata gak semudah yang gue bayangkan.. :D



meimeiletti said…
(Gue memberanikan diri mengecek blog, dengan hati2, biar nggak keterusan, biar bulan depan nggak Top 10 Internet user lagi, and I was right. Your blog was already here...)

So sorry to hear it Kie...

Silver lining?
Now at least YOU (and million others) can see on National TV when SHE gets sacked, for having such a bad attitude;p

Now, that's a thought, right?

Chin up Kie...
The "best" is yet to come.

Well, back to the stone age then...
MelMow said…
Iya kie lo ikutan apaan sih?
Tiap kali ketemuan sama elo, gue selalu lupa buat tanya lo sebenernya ikutan apaan sih?
Seperti temen lo "kentang_gue" bilang, lo ikutan apaan sih?
Pembantu Ari W kah?
apprentice indonesia?
atau contender?
Indonesian Idol 3?
AFI 5?
emang udah ada?)
Jangan2 lo sebenernya ngirim foto ke majalah CC buat di make over seperti yg peenah lo smsin gue tempo dulu?

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