I went to a movie last night with Abe, to see this movie Lake House starring Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves. What made me see this movie? Maybe it's because I love Sandra Bullock. And because Imel said that it's adapted from Korean movies.

And, you know what I think of the movie? A total crap! Really.

Why is it a crappy movie? From the most obvious reason, these two love birds fell in love in 2-year-time-difference-scheme! How did that happen? Somehow, they can interact with each other thru this mailbox in front of a lake house that Alex's dad built and Kate lived in.

Well, it's just weird. I didn't think it could happen in the real life, because if you change something in the past, everything else in the future will change as well. Yes, I know it's just a movie, but a movie has to make sense also. The details are just bad, and don't get me started there!

Another thing that makes it nonsense is the LOVE or romantic part of the movie! It's a total crap.

Thru writing to each other, Alex and Kate know that they love each other. That this is the person they are willing to spend the rest of their lives with. Yeah right! Try living with each other for a month, fighting over remote control, or just a simple argument. They might still be in love, but they have to work on it.

There's this other person in this movie, his name is Morgan. This guy is actually in love with Kate, though he had caught Kate making out with Alex (which by that time still just a 'random' guy for Kate). He chased her wherever Kate went. He took a job in Chicago from wherever he was before, so that he could be with Kate.

There's nothing wrong with Morgan. The only thing about him is that Kate doesn't love him. She doesn't have any feelings to what-so-ever to this poor guy.

Yes, the movie is about Kate and Alex, not about Kate and Morgan. There's nothing wrong about Kate being in love with Alex, it's her right! It's just when you are so sure that you don't love this guy, why the hell that Kate comes to him when Alex seems to unreal.

What I hate the most, at the end of the movie, when Kate knew that Alex has passed away, she ran off immediately to SAVE Alex, the love of her life, and leaving Morgan behind.

The movie ended with Kate and Alex kissing passionately and walking toward the lake house, what's left is.. Morgan is probably sitting in a bar, drinking his ass-off and crying over Kate and the house they're gonna build together!

I'll say 'Duh!'.

What if you are Morgan?

That's why I always say that people who love each other, should TRY to find ways to be together! If one day, one of these people wants to find other people then make sure, MAKE SURE, that you will never even THINK about going back together to the other person, especially when you are married! NEVER!

You just have to take responsibility of your decisions! Be happy with the one you're with now. I think it will be fair. Or, if you can't really be with them anymore, be fair to them. Tell them the truth. Tell them you can't be with them anymore because you're still in love with the love of your life, and you're letting them go. Just don't stay because it's the right thing to do but don't give your love to them! It's not FAIR! Because each and every one of us deserves to be loved the fullest!


So, yes, I hate this crappy movie! Because it shows Ego! It shows that when you love, you can do whatever, including hurting other people who love you.

Shitty. Shitty.

What a crap!

Ps: Be, it was still fun though riding the bike with you among those bad traffics! :)


Anonymous said…
you might be hate Lake House.
But am so sure that you're gonna love il mare.Coba deh tonton...
Anonymous said…
huahahaha..makanya itu mbak, kalo nonton film jenis ini jangan di bioskop apalagi bioskop jakarta, yang ada ryugi!!! hahaha.. :p
mending beli DVD bajakannya..yeayy hidup bajakan..hidup ALIAS Season V (sekalian mengingatkan gitchu ^_^)

miss u mbak..muagh222

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