
Showing posts from September, 2006


Indah banget yah Ramadhan itu.. Merasa gak sih? [tauk gak sih, i've been here for 15 minutes trying to describe how beautiful it is.. but to no avail] the peace. the serenity. the surrender to the almighty. the everything. it's just beautiful. you gotta experience it yourself to feel the beauty. Alhamdulillahirrabbil alamiiin..
ada apa dengan aku?

Tak Berdaya

Aku selalu sadar bahwa aku ini tidak berdaya, apalagi di hadapan-Nya. Bahwa apa yang terjadi dalam hidup ini, apa yang dirasakan oleh orang yang kita cintai, hal-hal yang diinginkan oleh mereka yang kita kasihi, semuanya tak ada yang dapat kita atur jalannya. Hari ini kembali aku diingatkan akan ketidakberdayaanku, akan lemahnya tubuhku ini, betapa inginku sangat kecil dan hampir tidak berarti, bahwa temanku hanyalah Allah SWT, bahwa tempatku meminta adalah Allah SWT, bahwa ketidakberdayaanku hanya dapat dijawab oleh Allah SWT, bahwa Allah SWT-lah yang akan memegang kuat tanganku, menuntunku, menjawab pasrahku, karena aku tidak berdaya, dalam inginku. Dalam ketidakberdayaan ini, aku menjadi sadar, akan indahnya pasrahku kepada-Nya. Allahku yang Maha Baik, aku tahu begitu banyak dosa yang telah aku perbuat, begitu banyak aku tidak melaksanakan apa yang Engkau perintahkan, begitu banyak inginku jika dibandingkan dengan patuhku.. Allah yang Maha Adil, Engkau maha mengetahui apa yang ada d...

there's this office..

there's this office, where all the employees could just be one of the members of Srimulat, you know, that group of very-silly-and-sometimes-rude-and-stupid-comedians. there's this office, where all we did beside work, is bullying each other, eavesdropping at others' phone conversations (and making the eavesdropping obvious by suddenly giving unwanted comments or answers to some questions asked to the person on the other line), laughing, laughing and laughing. there's this office, where, yes, we still talk about each other (and yes, it's behind their back), but during one of these conversations, we never meant what we said, or even said anything that could harm this person's reputation. when we do talk about each other, somehow, we will repeat it again in front of that person, while laughing our heart off. that person, of course, will frown, but it will only generate more laugh and will not stop the talk in any ways. there's this office, where secrets seem li...


aku begitu cemburu. kepada orang-orang yang begitu dicintai, dan merasakan hangatnya cintai kekasih.. lalu aku bertanya: kenapa bukan aku?


sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh. sigh...
Give Me A Break!!!!! I have. What kind of break do you want? You are 22 hours a day without me, isn't that a break already? 2 hours is all i ask every day, and that has to be given by silencing and not saying anything, and when you do say something, it sounded like you are in prison or you're just not interested. what kind of break do you want? i won't say the 'D' word anymore, because it hurts me more than it hurts you. what kind of break do you want? do you want me out of this world? out of your life? what kind of break do you want? tell me. for a friend who is tired. yes, if dead is ever an option, it might be the best way, but Allah gives us life to be grateful and to fight. if he says, give me a break, you give him a break, he might appreciate you more in your absence! *sigh.. he might!*