there's this office, where all the employees could just be one of the members of Srimulat, you know, that group of very-silly-and-sometimes-rude-and-stupid-comedians. there's this office, where all we did beside work, is bullying each other, eavesdropping at others' phone conversations (and making the eavesdropping obvious by suddenly giving unwanted comments or answers to some questions asked to the person on the other line), laughing, laughing and laughing. there's this office, where, yes, we still talk about each other (and yes, it's behind their back), but during one of these conversations, we never meant what we said, or even said anything that could harm this person's reputation. when we do talk about each other, somehow, we will repeat it again in front of that person, while laughing our heart off. that person, of course, will frown, but it will only generate more laugh and will not stop the talk in any ways. there's this office, where secrets seem li...