there's this office..

there's this office, where all the employees could just be one of the members of Srimulat, you know, that group of very-silly-and-sometimes-rude-and-stupid-comedians.

there's this office, where all we did beside work, is bullying each other, eavesdropping at others' phone conversations (and making the eavesdropping obvious by suddenly giving unwanted comments or answers to some questions asked to the person on the other line), laughing, laughing and laughing.

there's this office, where, yes, we still talk about each other (and yes, it's behind their back), but during one of these conversations, we never meant what we said, or even said anything that could harm this person's reputation. when we do talk about each other, somehow, we will repeat it again in front of that person, while laughing our heart off. that person, of course, will frown, but it will only generate more laugh and will not stop the talk in any ways.

there's this office, where secrets seem like an unknown word, because you could never tell someone a secret, you know, eventually the whole office would know about it.

there's this office, where bad people seem like miles and miles away (seriously) because every one is sincere and expects nothing in return.

there's this office, where, instead of feeling like you're going to work, you feel like you're going home, where you know that there will be a hand to help or support you when you're about to fall.

there's this office, where AP will act silly because he's terribly hungry, IJ will come with soooo many food, or HHW will wear his helmet and DCA will run immediately because TSS really wants to kiss them, or NRH looking so sexy, but still look to the first change of jumping off the window because every one seems to get engaged so soon while she's been single for a long time (hahahaha :D), or AVA would just give you the jutek stare that will send you back to your table without even moving.

in this office, you would find AB who listens to every single curhat we have if he's not giving the room a new smell, or you will see SBU sleeping on the couch or reading the quran, or HKU just sits at his desk and not saying anything, or RMS saying something in his Batak tone, or you'd bully WAS (if he's not on leave), or you'd see JT laughing to a joke that was told an hour a go, or you hear SRS in her childlike behaviour in her very neat desk, or you'd just make HT dizzy with your thousands of requests and reimbursements.

there's this office, where everyone is family. where you will find the kind of peace you usually find at home, because you know that others would not hurt you, or talk bad about you. in this little space, you know that when people critize you, it only meant that they want to see you succeed and not the other way around.

there's this office, i know..
that people can really be trusted.
that the person sitting next to me is my friend.

in this office, i know that when i laugh, i mean it.

to AP, IJ, HT, TSS, NRH, AVA, DCA, HHW, AB, HKU, WAS, RMS, JT, SRS: Guys, only God knows how enjoyable it is to work with you!..


MelMow said…
I've ever felt before in my former office. It was so enjoyable being around people who loves and cares us unconditionally, and pay attention to us without expect something in return. Without someone talked about ourselves to other people just because of the negative thingking things.

Yes... having a "family" like u feel at this moment is so fun. But at least i've ever felt it before.
Kikie said…
well, you got to it mel. pray for you deh..

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