The Making of "My Blood Type:MU"

So Abang would like to have a blog in friendster <huh! what a copy cat.. heheh..>.

Yesterday, he spent almost an hour doing that without telling me (yes, I was on the phone with him at that time).. He completely ignored me the whole time, and I was already getting irritated with the fact that he didn't say anything but 'Bentar Mah!' in the last half-an-hour..

At the end, he told me that he made a blog. I don't know why, but it cracked me up. I opened the page as soon as he told me the link.

Voila!! The title of the blog was like "Nafasku.. bla bla bla", point is it's too long. Because it's already late in his place, I told him that I will make it shorter and change it around so it will be good to look at.

This morning when we started our daily chats, he asked me the insides of friendster blogs. So I told him..

The blog is dedicated for MU..yup! Manchester United, the soccer club he is crazy about. The name itself reflects that. If you see the blog, it really represents Abang.

Abang banget gitu loh! Hahaha..

Catch a glimpse of it here.. Abang's Blog.


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