true love

what's with TRUE LOVE concept?

Don't you think it sucks?

You made yourselves believe that you got to love only ONCE in your GODDAMN life?

I just don't buy that crap!

It's hollywood stuff to make us go to movies!

Stupid concept!

You know, if you don't make it last with one person, it only means that it's not meant to be. Nothing else.

It's ok to be sad after a while. It's ok to feel the hangover. But please people, no need to say that you're not gonna be able to love like that again!

It's just stupid!

Give yourself time to breathe and release the pain, but get on with your life already, find that someone that will make that heart beats a little bit faster than usual again, find that person that make the butterflies on your stomach fly again, chase that smile that will your knees weak.

And when you do find that person, love him or her just as they should without hanging on to what you call TRUE LOVE.

True love meant you are there holding hands still as strong after all those suffering times (boy, don't we all know what suffering meant in marriage). If you think that suffering meant times you spent dating behind your parents' back or just going through some teenagers' conflicts, BLAH! that's not suffering at all.

Those who are married know that all those difficulties we went through during dating period are nothing compare to those constant difficulties we face on marriage period.

When you manage to overcome these marriage difficulties with a person, then that person is your TRUE LOVE.

Other than that, all is bullshit!

So I am speaking to you, who still think that you can't love the person you're with because that person is just not your true love and you can only love once, just think, what if you are in your partner's position?

And it's just plain mean to be with someone, pretending that all is ok, that you love that person quite alright, when you don't fully give your heart to them!

So, true love concept? Sucks!


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