
unlike 30% of women on earth, i don't have an easy pregnancy.

the constant nausea makes you feel like you're on a bad trip in a car with a terrible smell that makes you wanna puke all the time. you're just ready to get out of the car when another smell hits you, and make puke again.

food.. well, i always have problems with food, i only like those junk foods, i don't eat rice, seafood, fish, meat, vegetables, well, sometimes i also wonder where i got my heavy weight :(. but i am picky when it comes all those things i put inside my mouth. and this pregnancy doesn't make it better of course, just the tought of food makes me wanna throw up. from the simple burger, or my favorite home-made-fried-chicken, or simply toast, can't do it! while i know i have to eat for this little person growing inside me, but man, never thought that eating will be tough.

shoulder pains. again, i always have a sore shoulder, and i wonder why it becomes worse due to this pregnancy. and if i don't have it massage soon, i have those nauseating feeling, and here comes the puking!! :(

well, a lot if i want to list it down. it's just uncomfortable.. but then i remembered what my dad said once:

"you will always fight to get what you want in life, because good things never come easy!"

well, indeed Dad. this little person is surely gonna be one of the best thing happening to me, so of course, it won't come easy.. i just need to take a long breath before i continue fighting.. :)


Ananto Pratikno said…
Mbak Kikie, selamat atas amanah calon anak yg sedang dikandung. semoga menjadi anak yang sholeh dan sholehah.
yenni 'yendoel' said…
kie, ditunggu berita bahagiannya. berarti gua termasuk yg 30% yah. even gak berasa hamil, malah pulang indo, gendong anak sana-sini. balik hefei, nge-test baru nemu. (soalnya kena mencret, pengen makan obat..curiga juga..hamil gak yah..)

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