About Wanting

I have been waiting for today, Friday, end of the week so that I can write in my blog or this place since I haven't been here a long time. Plus Abang just got a new IM2 modem where we can connect just about every where.. Pretty psyched up about that, so my mind has planned to do this for weeks.

Has been wanting..

But you know what, now at exactly 5:47pm after work, I sit in front of my computer and have no idea what I want to write. Darn!

Then, I remember what Carrie Bradshaw said in one of the episodes of Sex & The City, she said, there's this thing about wanting, once you have it, you longer want it!

Boy, don't that happen to me a lot. :D

So, people, be careful of what you wish for, you might not like it!

Now, I want to just lay down next to Abang (in his arms to be exact!), let's see if I still want it once I am there.. (Well, I always like this, but it will take me only 15 minutes tops to curl up in his arms.. Some ideas to do somethings just come up when I do this :D).


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