Fauzi Bowo and Flood.

Last year, amidst the flooding in Jakarta, Fauzi Bowo was interviewed by RCTI about the flooding in Jakarta, and how come the government hasn't done anything about it.. Then, the next thing you know, we saw a tantrum coming from the mouth of the government!

The tantrum was because he felt the anchor cornered him!

Then early this year, we saw him again, campaigning to become the GOVERNOR of Jakarta. Boy! He promised us everything!

One of them was NO MORE FLOOD in Jakarta. People were sceptical, yet they vote for this guy! Stupid move! We've seen him together with his partner, Sutiyoso, for a long time doing absolutely NOTHING on flooding.

Well, this afternoon, I saw Fauzi Bowo AGAIN on TV making comments on the recent flooding in Jakarta, and you know what he said this time..

Still with the tantrum, he said that it's the SOCIETY's fault! because we throw our garbages every where. Not only the society, NATURE is also wrong for raining for too long! Damn Rain! (I just added the latter words..).

Yes Sir, damn us! damn rain! for ruining your euphoria after winning the campaign.

But Sir, if I may remind you, we PAY you (through the unreasonable taxes in my paycheck) to WORK and not to prepare yourself to become a president 10 years from now.

So Sir, with all due respect, GET YOUR ASS TO WORK, because I'm sick of this flood and especially the TRAFFIC!

Thank you Sir. Enjoy.


Anonymous said…
Good words.

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