nothing compares

remembering what i have done in all my career lifetime, where i have to organize an international event, didn't sleep to work on some proposals or edit articles, even built a school.. but tell you something.. the tiredness after doing all those works.. is actually nothing compares to taking care one of tiny baby..

i am worried when he doesn't drink enough, but then when he drinks a lot, i don't worry less.

when he sleeps endlessly, i am asking questions, is this normal? yet, when he awakes like today, i am worried again, why hasn't he rest?

..a worried mom..


yenni 'yendoel' said…
tired but happy kan?
gak usah cemas dong kie..santai aja. ada bayi2 yang 30-40 hari pertama butuh penyesuaian.
Qiqi tuh mungkin umur 20-an hari, pernah gak tidur selama 9 jam. kadang sehabis mandi, bisa tidur terus sampai 4 jam. kalo gak dibanguni buat nyusu. sehabis nyusu, tidur lagi 4 jam. siang jadi malam, malam jadi siang. hehe! lewat 40 hari udah gak gitu kok.

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