Turning 28

March 13, 2004

Year 27.

Today, a year has passed and I reached year 28.

Yup, I'm turning 28. Then, I asked myself, so? Rather than making me feel special, it got me thinking, HARD!

What have I done for the past year?
What has happened?
Have I changed to the better?
Have I accomplished my goal? dreams? reasons for living?
Have I made my loved one happy?
Have I made me happy?
Have I made new friends?
Have I met the Jack Smith, but got stupid and let him go?
Those are just some questions.. trust me I have a lot!

Well, let's see.

Since last march..
Made more money..
Spend more money..
Met my half bitch, and have unimaginable fun with her..
Santi gave birth to Sophie who is now turned to be a very tomboy girl..
Have the lousiest date ever in my life..
Write more..
On my way to reach for my biggest dream..
Got the offer of a lifetime..
Met my old Jack Smith..
Letting go a perfect man and be happy about it..
Met interesting people.. lots of them..
Realizing that my family is the most important thing in my life and I couldn't live without them..
Read a very good book about Allah SWT..
Finding blogspot which supports me in getting to my dream..
Cried because I was proud of my sisters..
Understanding mom a lot better..
Watch TV more and more..
Addicted to coffee more and more..
Addicted to The Amazing Race on AXN..
Realizing that people won't change in a million years..
Learning that don't expect from people..
Knowing that love is just around the invincible corner but haven't shown itself yet..
Found a surprisingly comfort in Plaza Senayan..
Opening a new school..
Came up with major business plans that never went anywhere beyond my head..
Knowing my real friends..
Learning that people should speak kindly and sarcasm only caused hurts..
Finding my real friends..
Loving my two gurls a lot more..
Met the most boring and spoiled man ever walked on earth..
Cried on a first date because it was so bad..
Made up crazy unthinkable stuffs because the boring guy is still around..
Had a crazy holiday with my half bitch..
Realizing that people can be evil.. ugh!

But there is one highlight this year. The event was both the best and the worse thing that happened to me this year.

Losing The bestest man in my life, The funniest and craziest prankster, The most loving and caring person, The perfect man...

My Daddy.

This lost was certainly devastating, broke me down to my very core, left a big hole in my heart in the shape of him, felt the real emptiness. Struggling to live my life after he left me was more than tough..

But then the most wonderful thing happened. I found ALLAH SWT. Realizing that Allah Swt loves me in an unimaginable great way. Finding that Allah SWT has and will always save me, protect me, lead me in his way and care for me. Allah Swt even took my dad away so that I could become a better human being. Amiin.

Well, today I turn 28. Allah Swt has given me another year to learn, to love, to care, well, just to live as best as I can.

So for the next year, I made a promise to myself that I would do my best to reach my life goal.

Be A Better Human Being. Amiin.

Well, Happy Birthday Me.


meimeiletti said…
Well, Kie...

Turning 28 doesn't happen everyday. It's not the best day of our lives (let's face it, we girls hate getting older;p), but certainly not the worst, either.

You're now on your own. And you're the head of the family.

And this half bitch of yours is proud of you, truly.

As are your Mother and great sisters. And certainly as is your Father, way up above.

Happy Birthday Kie...

Now enough of this serious stuff and just blow the friggin' horn, will ya please? Hahahaha...

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