What is a Friend?

Yup, What is a friend?
Or, Who is your friend?

I value my friends so highly, my parents used to say that I put my friends before them. So highly, I spent my time with them the night before my dad passed away, instead of with him, who was kinda sick that day.

If you had the time to read my other ramblings on Uniform of Friends, you'll see that I don't have a large crowd of best friends, although, I have many crowds. But these people I mentioned in that writing are surely the best ones-or so I thought.

I have Santi. What is she for me? She's a lot. I can't even begin to tell you how much she meant in my life. I met her while taking my math degree. What made me friends with her? I dunno. It started when we were both pretended that we were sick during those orientation days. And the next thing I know, she was every where I was-or I was every where she was. Then suddenly, we were no longer Kikie and Santi, it’s Kisan. In one word.

What made us connect? I wonder about that all the time, because we are two different persons. She is girly girl, fashion maniac, hate books, doesn’t watch that much movies, and listens to a lot of music. And me, totally the opposite.

But the fact that we love to gossip, very sensitive-cry to every thing kinda girl-, loves McD and KFC, loves stupid movies and loves to laugh A LOT, really glues us together. With this girl, I could talk about every thing. I mean EVERYTHING! She knows all my flaws. She never judges me with what I did or decided. She cries with me when I needed to cry. Slapped me hard when I am being BAD.

She’s probably one of my soulmates. The one that meant to be with you forever. And I love her for that.

Now, here is Retti. My drugs. My coffee at the end of the days. Good or bad. I could always count on her to make me laugh or laugh harder. Met her 2 years a go. Yup, only 2 years a go. It doesn’t feel like it though. I feel I have known this girl forever.

If Santi is my soulmate, then Retti is my girlfriend. Hahaha. We’re so gay.

With Retti, I share my dreams. A dream to be the ladies who lunch. A dream to be free to do anything we want. A dream to just sit in Plaza Senayan and talk and laugh and laugh and laugh. Can’t tell you enough how many time I have laughed with her.

Now, not only we share dreams, we also share our dislike for stupid-not interesting-boring-self concious-pathetic-people. Dislike? hhm.. such a soft word.

Those saturdays with her, sitting for hours in Starbucks sipping Iced Coffee Latte and Iced Caramel Macchiato are just a blast.

But most of all, with her, I feel at home. Because there, you'd always see a familiar face to just be there when you need them :D.

Other Friends
Who are other friends?
Those who make you laugh when you're down.
Those who make you laugh harder when you're happy.
Those who cerish your friendship.
Those who value ‘us’.
Those who wouldn’t hurt you with what they said.
Those who never forget you.
Those who include you in their life.
Those who make you feel like you’re the most important people in their life.
Those who miss you.
Those who care for you.
Those who know what words will upset you and try not to say them.
Those who forget your mistakes.
Those who remember your silliness and mention it just for the fun of it.
Those who will be happy when you’re happy.
Most importantly, those who value the friendship the same way that you are!

Well my friends, I love you all.
As much as you love me.


meimeiletti said…
Geer dej kamuj;p


I love you too, Kie;p
Hahaha, how gay am I?

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