
Ada apa dengan hati sih?

Kenapa hati seperti ini?

Hati ini mengusik hidupku yang tenang.

Aku tersenyum, tapi aku tak bisa berhenti berpikir.
Hatiku tidak bisa berhenti merasa.

Aku kembali lagi ke tempat ini.

Aku tidak suka tempat ini.
Tempat yang selalu buat aku gelisah.
Tempat yang selalu buat aku menangis.
Tempat yang selalu buat aku kecewa.

Jika memang hidupku terusik,
jika memang aku tidak menyukai tempat ini,
jika memang hatiku tidak ingin merasa,
mengapa aku memintanya ketika ia tidak ada?

Bagaimana kalau kali ini bukan aku yang menangis?
yang terusik?
yang kecewa?

Bagaimana kalau kali ini aku yang membuat perih itu ada,
membuat rasa kecewa terasa,
dan membuat airmata itu pilu?

Aku bisa hidup dengan sedihku,
tapi bagaimana dengan mereka yang menangis karenaku?

Aku bisa hidup dengan kecewaku,
tapi bagaimana dengan mereka yang tertunduk oleh kecewaku?

Aku bisa hidup dengan perasaanku, tangisku, penderitaanku,
tapi bagaimana dengan mereka yang menangis karenaku, menderita olehku?

Mengapa aku disini lagi?
Aku sedang tenang.

Aku mau pulang.
Aku ingin ini usai.
Aku ingin tenang.


-buat dia yang membawaku kembali ke tempat itu.-


Anonymous said…
If you could make the world exactly to your liking, consider very specifically just how that world would be. If you could spend your time doing precisely what you wish, how would the moments of your life be lived?

when you proclaim and promote your own bitterness, you do far more harm to yourself than anyone else could ever do to you. When you blame others for all your troubles, you give them control of your life.

By contrast, the more of your life you accept responsibility for, the more power you have to control your own destiny. The more quickly and completely you can forgive, the sooner you can get back up and get moving forward again.

Do you truly want to live a life of meaning, fulfillment and joy? Then you must set out each day to create that meaning, to build that fulfillment, and to live that joy through the vehicle of your own life

Bitterness, anger, blame and retribution will bring nothing of value into your life. Let go of their false promises, and give yourself space to truly and magnificently live.

Love is everything it's cracked up to be…It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for.

To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three parts dead.
Anonymous said…
Always remember others may hate you but those who hate you don't win unless you hate them. And then you destroy yourself.
Anonymous said…
Kie, I don’t have great faith, but I can be faithful. My belief in you may be seasonal, but my faithfulness will not. I will follow in the way of ALLAH. I will act as though my life and the lives of others matter. I will love. I have no greater gift to offer than my life. Take it.

Anonymous said…

rasa ragu pasti akan selalu ada, tapi you have to believe that Allah will take care of you ok?

If he's good for you then he'll be yours, if not I'm sure you'll get out fine with your head held high, and those red eyes (hahahahah :D just kidding nek!) ready to burst out any minute.. hehehe

Udah ah, jangan kebanyakan dipikirin..
Anonymous said…
It happened once dat a man n a youth beheld each other in a public 4 da 1st tym…Da man gazed wit great delight upon da beautiful face until he caught da youth's eye…Da mysterious communication dat is established between 2 entire strangers, by dis means moves all da springs of wonder.
Anonymous said…
If u judge people, u have no tym 2 love'em. u call it madness, but I call it love.

u ain't love a woman coz she is beautiful, but she is beautiful coz u love her.We r shaped n fashioned by wat we love. I looked great wen u r wit me, n still .... only few inches different wit David Beckham.

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