

I want so many things.

In the morning,
I want to stay in bed,
I want to curl up in my bed,
I want to eat good breakfast,
I want the traffic to end,
I want my driver to drive better,
I want all the buses and mikrolets to not stop as they wish,
I want all my dreams to come true,
I want many things in the morning.

In the afternoon,
I want to have lunch at exactly 12pm because I am so hungry,
I want to eat good lunch so I don't have to think about dinner,
I want to laugh my heart out with the geng,
I want the sun not to shine so brightly so that I could cross the street,
I want to meet the guy who always wears black,
I want to finish all those meetings,
I want to be done with my work,
I want a phone call from my next job interviews,
I want many things in the afternoon.

In the evening,
I want the traffic to end,
I want the highway to not full of cars,
I want to arrive home before maghrib so I won't miss my prayer,
I want to exercise for an hour at threadmill but couldn't since I have classes,
I want my students to understand what I said in English class,
I want nice stories from the school,
I want to kiss Piedut,
I want to laugh with mama, ika, citra, leli, and abah about something stupid,
I want so many things in the evening.

At night,
I want a hug from mama,
I want a kiss from piedut,
I want the aircondition in my room to work,
I want my bed to be warmed,
I want Ngatni to come before I fall asleep,
I want to watch The Amazing Race that hasn't started in forever,
I want to watch Korean movies and cry at the end because it's so romantic,
I want to drink lots of water,
I want to laugh over something stupid on TV,
I want to talk on the phone with my best friend,
I want all the troubles to vanish,
I want to talk about my day,
Oh, I want so many things at night.

Why is it I want so many things?
Why is it never enough?

Now, I only want the answer to that.


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