Change of Heart

Meeting someone new.
Exchanging glances.
Heart beats faster.
Initial attraction.
Could this be love at first sight?

Waiting nervously.
Jumping at the next sound of hand phone tones.
Endless peeking at its screen.
Finally, a message from him.
Followed by a nice hour of phone conversation.
Is this love?

Another waiting.
Another jumping.
Another peeking.
Again, messages from him.
Again, a nice hour of phone conversation.
What is this? Love?

Sweet talking.
Cute talking.
Serious talking.
Well, that doesn’t go anywhere.
Different interests.
Should I work on these differences?

Love is a heart game.
Love is not a mind game.
I can’t do this.
It won’t work.
What if the love haze has faded?

Love is a heart game.
Love is not a mind game.
It will be a mind game.
When the love haze has faded.
Would it stay the same?

Too complicated.
A heart of steel.
I don’t care.
Nothing will do it.
Change of heart will do.


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