Uniform of Friends

I like uniform.
I don’t know why. I just do.

Maybe it’s because I’m too lazy to think, especially about what to wear. Maybe my world is complicated enough that I don’t want to be bother with things like clothing and fashion. Maybe I don’t like change. Maybe I’m just another boring human being. Maybe I’m simply all those things.

Seriously, I like uniform.
So much that I wanted so bad to work in a company where it is mandatory to wear uniform. So much that I started wearing the same clothes on weekends, or worse, weekdays. It was actually my friends who made me notice the pattern, but strangely, knowing that they are aware of that, I felt a feeling of comfort. Comfort because I thought, now they all know it so I won’t look as weird anymore, even so, I could care less. Well, I can say nothing, I’m speechless when I’m comfortable.

Today, like all other Saturdays, I wore my red shirt-black skirt outfit complete with black-and-very-comfortable Bata sandals and my sling bag. Like usual, I felt very comfortable. But today, on my way to my favorite Plaza Senayan to see my best friend, I got to thinking, not only I wear the same outfit all the time, I also hang out with the same people. And like my clothes, they have also become my uniform.

I know that the more crowds you have the better and I have many crowds. But it’s so strange, because just like clothes, even though, I have many of them hanging in my closet, I keep on wearing the same one over and over.

I love all my friends, let’s straight that out first!

These friends come from different crowds I met all throughout life, high school crowd, boys-only college crowd, girls-only college crowd, class-of-96 crowd, work crowd, Nielsen crowd, friendster crowd, and several more! They’re all interesting, fun and of course, LOUD, just like me! But, I keep on hanging out with my ‘uniform’ crowd every weekend. I call them My BestFriend Uniform.

My bestfriend uniform consists of six different interesting colors, with special cuts and lines that make me look skinnier when I’m fat, prettier when I’m not, happier when I’m sad, and it’s certainly made out of the most comfortable fabric that shows only my best angle and makes me look even better every time I wear them.

The colors that shine bright all the time never fail to amaze me because they always seem to fit me, in any occasions, weather, moods and all, I mean, all places! Up, down, weddings, cafes, street restaurants, malls, well, all places.

Out of all uniforms I have, this is the definitely, the best one!

-For Santi, Ricky, Item, Doddy, Kurnia, and last but certainly not least, Retti. Thanks for helping me look better each day. I love you guys!-


meimeiletti said…
I think I know just which uniform I am.

I am that yellow tight shirt.
The colour so bright it even gets you a little.
The size so tight that it draws peoples' attention when you're wearing it.

I never considered myself as someone who can lighten up someone's days, and better yet, affect someone's life so much before.

And thank you Kie, for bringing that out in me.

Hey, for every uniforms need the body to hang them.
Thanks for always being there to listen to my loud and attention getting laughs;p

Am ever so glad that I could cheer you up.
For what it's worth, you have cheered mine more...

Love you gal:)

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