At exactly 10pm for the past week, my handphone will make the perfect sound!
Perfect because it lets me know that someone has smsed me.
It's even more perfect because when I open it, I see the name of that someone.
Someone whom I have waited all day to sms me.

Corny huh?
I don't care.
I enjoy it.

The best I have in years now.

The smses have left me wonder, how someone so different from me, someone who usually won't make it in my head, let alone, my heart, have turned my head upside down?
I don't know.
I don't care.
I just enjoy it this time.

I just hope this is only the beginning of the most wonderful journey in my life.
Well, fingers crossing.

-To You! (you know who you are) Look forward in seeing you..-


meimeiletti said…

Kok saya jadi ikut berbunga2 sih...
Tolol deh...

So very very glad this happens;p

Can't wait for the big gong...

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