Acting Stupid

"Sebungkus satu.. Sebungkus satu.. Dua bungkus dua..
Dua bungkus dua.. Dua bungkus dua.. Tiga bungkus tiga.. etc"

a stupid song created by me and a little improv from my half bitch to make it a perfection. we said that it's created for Indonesian kids to learn multiplication. when it was created just out of boredom and silliness. Real silliness.

it's not the first time we have acted stupid, and certainly won't be the last. we have a gazillion of these stupidities on our sleeves to be shown to the world (if our skin is thick enough!) any time now.

i love to act stupid. i love being silly. i love making up songs. i love making funny stupid faces. i love laughing hard because of it. when you are able to do all of these in front of someone, then you can consider that someone is your closest.

i am glad i have those kind of people around me. just to make a Chintya Maramis or a Stephanie Zimbalis. to make stupid faces with the movement of my lips. to sing anything with my voice (that couldn't ever make it out from my room). to say ogeng, sorry stoberi, najong, najis jongkok, please deh aj, nij, okej, yesh and everything that won't make other but us laugh.

well, darwlings.. i love yaj..


-to retti, santi, ika, citra, leli, mbak venni: for keeping up with my stupidity-


meimeiletti said…
That's the word.

We will be so famously known as the "icky" girls.

Hey, don't forget your other ickiness...

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