
Showing posts from 2008

Mengenang Bapakku (21 Juli 1950 - 20 September 2004)

Kemarin genap sudah 4 tahun Bapak meninggalkan kita semua. Saya sendiri lupa dengan 'tanggal 20 September itu' [entah memang lupa atau memang sengaja tidak mau mengingat], sampai seorang teman mengirimkan sebuah sms yang isinya sih sekedar mengenang beliau. A simply great man in my life. Lalu, pagi ini saya buka email dan ada email Catatan Ramadhan dari Kak Hanni [thanks kak!] yang bercerita mengenai jihad-nya Kepala Keluarga. Jadi ingat dengan kisah serupa yang dialami Bapak. Suatu waktu Bapak pernah mengumpulkan kita semua dan meminta ijin untuk resign dari pekerjaannya. Karena he had reached his limit... Bosnya sudah keterlaluan dalam menghina Islam dan menghina Bapak juga tentunya. Akhirnya karena perseteruan akibat hinaan terhadap agama yang dipercayainya, Bapak ingin mengundurkan diri. Saat itu, kita semua bilang, we lived it up to you, and will support any decisions you made. But then, he never resigned. He said, it's my responsibility to give you a good life, and I...


Aduh.. kok Syaamil ku minumnya dikit sih? Stres!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Me and my husband are so alike. We are meddlers. Well, I know I am. As for my husband, though he won't admit is, he is. Examples of my meddling are too many to mention, and some of you probably have heard some of them. Like the one when two of my friends got married because of me. :) Or at times, when they fought, and I jumped in, and he was mad at me for jumping in, and he was mad at his wife because of me, since it meant that she told me. Then after that, he made his wife promise not to tell me anything anymore. Of course, she just said yes to make him feel better. And so many more to tell. My hubby on the other hand, always, always, always, says that he doesn't like to meddle. Well, he doesn't. Not all the time. But when he does, he does it ALL OUT. A preview for that matter then. His friend in school is seeing this guy, whom he thinks is not good for her. And what he did? He asked his friend not see him again, and even pointed out to his friend that her boyfriend is jus...


Belanja Iklan Rokok Sepi di Semester I 2008 JAKARTA, SENIN- Gencarnya kampanye antirokok oleh berbagai kalangan turut mempengaruhi menurunnya porsi belanja iklan produk rokok. Iklan rokok di seluruh media turun 7 persen dari semester I tahun sebelumnya yang mencapai Rp 748 miliar menjadi hanya Rp 699 miliar pada semester I tahun 2008. Kecenderungan penurunan iklan rokok ini, menurut Senior Manager Business Development Nielsen Media Research Indonesia (NMRI) Maika Randini, baru terjadi pada tahun 2008 ini. Pasalnya, berbagai media mulai memberlakukan pembatasan terhadap iklan rokok. Seperti halnya batasan jam tayang iklan rokok di televisi harus diatas pukul 21.00. "Sekarang produk rokok larinya ke sponsorship karena iklan di media dibatasi geraknya," kata Maika, di Jakarta, Senin (11/8). NMRI memaparkan belanja iklan produk rokok filter Gudang Garam Int`l mengalami penurunan 70 persen menjadi Rp 19 miliar pada semester pertama dari tahun s...

Belanja Iklan Semester I/2008 Tertinggi dalam Tiga Tahun

Dari Media Indonesia JAKARTA--MI: Belanja iklan semester I tahun ini tercatat paling tinggi selama tiga tahun terakhir, sebesar Rp19,56 miliar atau tumbuh 24% dibanding periode sama tahun lalu. Iklan terbesar berasal dari sektor telekomunikasi yang bersaing ketat dengan otomotif. Yang menarik, kali ini belanja iklan pemerintah terkait penyelenggaraan pemilihan kepala daerah (pilkada) dan pemilihan presiden (pilpres) terlihat melonjak hingga 79%, sebesar Rp769 miliar. Padahal tahun lalu, belanja iklan pemerintah tercatat hanya sebesar Rp429 miliar. Manajer Senior Pengembangan Bisnis lembaga riset Nielsen Media Research Maika Randini mengungkapkan hal tersebut, dalam keterangan persnya di Jakarta, Senin (11/8). "Belanja iklan pada semester I/2008 memperlihatkan adanya perubahan pola belanja dalam tiga tahun terakhir. Pertumbuhan belanja iklan terbesar terjadi pada 2004 sebesar 50% ketimbang 2003," kata Maika. Pada 2005, belanja iklan tumbuh 13% dan naik menjadi 15% pada 2...

Kata Mama Elly..

Pia baru aja balik dari rumah ibunya.. Mama Elly. Dia cerita kalau mama Elly-nya itu bilang, Pia itu cantik kayak Mama Elly, dan bukan kayak Mama Kikie. Ini bukan yang pertama. Ini yang kesekian kali. Kenapa sih mesti ngomong kayak gitu??????????????????????????? Kenapa sih harus selalu mengatakan hal2 yang bua hati orang lain sedih? Daripada mengatakan hal2 yang tidak baik seperti itu, kenapa tidak berterima kasih karena walaupun awalnya gue yang menawarkan untuk merawat Pia, toh gue merawat anaknya dengan baik? Karena walau apapun toh gue tetap menyayangi Pia dan tidak pernah menganggap bahwa dia anak tiri gue? Kenapa sih harus ada orang seperti itu dalam kehidupan gue? Kenapa sih?


Allah itu Maha Mengetahui.. Jadi, walaupun kata sebagian orang (yang justru dekat denganku dan tidak mengatakan hal2 yang menyakitkan hati) aku bukan ibu yang baik, aku percaya aku ibu yang baik. Dengan caraku, aku akan menjadi ibu yang baik. Walaupun tidak sesuai dengan teori yang ada diberbagai buku2 pintar 'bagaimana cara mendidik anak', aku akan menjadikan anak2ku anak yang baik dan berguna. Amin. Karena ketika Allah menitipkan anak2 ini kepadaku, insya Allah, Allah Mengetahui bahwa aku akan menjadi ibu yang baik dan akan mendidik anak2ku dengan sekuat tenagaku. Dengan CARAKU! Bukan cara orang2 yang MERASA tahu cara yang baik. TITIK.


These past months, I often wish that I have the power to say that I want to leave this big house. The big house that my parents bought back when my sisters and I were young (and still think that nothing can set us apart). I don't why I can't leave this house. Many times I have tried but I can't. Maybe because I am afraid that my mom would be alone once I am not here, since all my sisters have their own place to stay, but most likely because I probably just don't have the guts to do so. (I know that some would agree to the latter, and not the first, since by now they would find out that their big sister doesn't have any courage after all). These past months, I also often wish that I live so far away from my family especially my sisters, though I can't because I depend on them on times when I can't even stand on my feet (not that this happens often, but the thought that some people are ready to lend their hands for you is nice). But living with families have...


It is so easy to judge people. To just tell people to their faces that they have done the wrong things. So easy. That we don't realize that what we have said might have hurt those people.

Menjaga Perasaan

In the name of 'menjaga perasaan' seseorang, terkadang kita malah lebih sering TIDAK menjaga perasaan orang yang seharusnya lebih berarti.. capek.

nothing compares

remembering what i have done in all my career lifetime, where i have to organize an international event, didn't sleep to work on some proposals or edit articles, even built a school.. but tell you something.. the tiredness after doing all those works.. is actually nothing compares to taking care one of tiny baby.. i am worried when he doesn't drink enough, but then when he drinks a lot, i don't worry less. when he sleeps endlessly, i am asking questions, is this normal? yet, when he awakes like today, i am worried again, why hasn't he rest? ..a worried mom..


I am not wiser! I am not smarter! I am just an ordinary person with feeling.

kangen bapakku...

aku kangen bapakku. kalo lagi kangen gini, banyak2 istigfar, karena kadang aku jadi banyak bilang " kalo ada bapak, pasti gak gini..." padahal kan Allah SWT yang Maha Melindungi dan Maha Kuasa. tapi aku kangen bapakku.

Kaya Nanggung

Kaya nanggung merefer kepada orang-orang yang sudah punya cukup uang buat bikin perusahaan atau usaha, namun berlagak seperti uangnya satu lautan dan seolah2 willing to do anything (or pay no matter how much) untuk memajukan perusahaan.. tapi nge-gaji karyawan pas2an, dan menekan cost abis2an.. intinya pengen dibilang kaya abis karena udah punya usaha... tapi PUELITnya minta ampun!!! Lucky for me, I spent 3.5years working for this kaya nanggung person! As a professional, I know I shouldn't talk about bad about my ex employer, tapi man oh man, semakin kesini semakin realize bahwa dalam waktu 3.5tahun itu ternyata gue banyak ditipu dan dikerjain abis2an. I decided to fully quit working for this person, last december, after she insulted me (again!). Well, you can say a lot of things when you're mad, but when you questioned my honesty??? that's just the deal breaker! I am not built that way lady! Tiga tahun gue disana, kerja rodi abis2an, apa sih yang gak gue kerjain.. SEMUA...

Hate That I Love You

By Rihanna & Neyo Lagu buat abangku.. karena aku cinta dengan dia.. Yeaah heyy heyy That's how much I love you (yeah) That's how much I need you (yeah yeah yeah) And I can't stand you Must everything you do make me wanna smile? And then I like you for a while No... But you won't let me You upset me girl and then you kiss my lips All of a sudden I forget that I was upset Can't remember what you did But I hate it You know exactly what to do so that I can't stay mad at you for too long That's wrong but I hate it You know exactly how to touch So that I don't wanna fuss and fight no more Said I despise that I adore you And I hate how much I love you boy (yeah) I can't stand how much I need you (I need you) And I hate how much I love you boy (ohh) But I just can't let you go And I hate that I love you so (ooh) And you completely know the power that you have The only one that makes me laugh Sad and it's not fair How you take advantage of the fac...


Abang itu.. The only man (if not a person) who understands me. The most patience. Loving. Passionate. For me, abang itu, the best. I love you bang.

26 weeks...

Yesterday, Saturday morning, I went to see the obgyn. My baby is now 26 weeks, everything looks normal, the only thing is he should weigh 900 instead of the 800gr I'm carrying now. I know, I am a little picky about food, nothing seems to be interesting to eat. I like to think that certain foods are delicious to eat, but then once I have them in front of me, the desire to eat flies away.. *sigh* Abang just hates it when I do that, and always double-ask everytime I told him I want something.. :( And this, most of the time, made me lost the appetite. Oh well. Now I have to eat more! Semangaaaaattt...

Fauzi Bowo and Flood.

Last year, amidst the flooding in Jakarta, Fauzi Bowo was interviewed by RCTI about the flooding in Jakarta, and how come the government hasn't done anything about it.. Then, the next thing you know, we saw a tantrum coming from the mouth of the government! The tantrum was because he felt the anchor cornered him! Then early this year, we saw him again, campaigning to become the GOVERNOR of Jakarta. Boy! He promised us everything! One of them was NO MORE FLOOD in Jakarta. People were sceptical, yet they vote for this guy! Stupid move! We've seen him together with his partner, Sutiyoso, for a long time doing absolutely NOTHING on flooding. Well, this afternoon, I saw Fauzi Bowo AGAIN on TV making comments on the recent flooding in Jakarta, and you know what he said this time.. Still with the tantrum, he said that it's the SOCIETY's fault! because we throw our garbages every where. Not only the society, NATURE is also wrong for raining for too long! Damn Rain! (I just...

Can I trust a nanny for my daughter?

Apparently NOT! But the problem is, aside from being so trusty, I have a very limited time for my daughter, so I GOTTA have one. Here's my daily schedule, mon-fri, wake up at 5am, take a shower, leave home at 530am, work work work until 4pm, arrive home at 5pm, and exhausted at 630pm. While my dauhghter's schedule is wake up at 6am, breakfast, shower, and go to school at 7am, arrive home at 4pm. With the schedule differences, it meant I can't bathe her, nor be there for here when she's home for school to clean her. Meaning: I need to have a sitter or a nanny to help my daughter getting ready for school, for studying, to accompany her playing and all other stuffs. Nanny or sitter is not cheap you know. I don't want to use maids, because they can poisoned my daughter's mind with sinetrons, stupid Indonesian love songs like "Jadikan aku yang kedua (Let me be the second one?????)", or even to speak unpolitely. Though I practically grow with maids around...

Belanja Iklan Naik 17% di 2007 (Koran Sindo)

Satu lagi narsisnya.. heheheh.. ini dari Sindo walaupun nama perusahaannya salah... harus Nielsen Media Research mbaaaaaaaaaakkyuuu.. :( Rabu, 23/01/2008 JAKARTA(SINDO) – Belanja iklan dari tiga jenis media selama 2007 mencapai Rp35 triliun, naik 17% dibandingkan pengeluaran 2006 sebesar Rp30 triliun. Lembaga riset AGB Nielsen mencatat pengeluaran iklan terbesar Rp23 triliun (66%) untuk media elektronik televisi, diikuti koran sebesar 30% dan majalah-tabloid 4%. ”Belanja iklan di media televisi masih menjadi favorit,” ujar Business Development Manager AGB Nielsen Indonesia Maika Randini saat memaparkan hasil riset belanja iklan selama 2007 di Jakarta kemarin. Dia menjelaskan tingkat penetrasi masyarakat pada suatu media menjadi pertimbangan utama pengiklan dalam memilih wadah untuk mempromosikan produknya. Maika mencontohkan, dari sembilan kota yang dijadikan sampel,yakni Jakarta,Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, Bandung, Surabaya, Semarang, dan Denpasar, tingkat penetra...


Ceritanya kemaren hari Selasa di Nielsen Media Research ada press conference.. secara Ibu Ika Jatmikasari, Head-nya NMR sedang cuti melahirkan, gue sebagai next in line-nya akhirnya menggantikan beliau untuk berbicara dihadapan teman-teman pers.. :/ Tegang juga sih.. tapi untungnya bukan yang pertama kali jadi udah tauk kira2 bakal ditanyain apaan.. Karena itulah kalo sekarang agak2 narsis dengan narok berita2 yang dimuat yang juga berisi namakyu.. yah maklum dong boowww.. :D Semoga tidak kelihatan bodohnya.. hehehhe :P

Kampanye Dongrak Iklan 2008 (Koran Tempo)

Selasa, 22 Januari 2008 | 15:53 WIB TEMPO Interaktif , Jakarta : Kampanye politik untuk Pemilihan Umum (Pemilu) 2009 bakal mendongkrak bisnis periklanan 2008. Meski belum signifikan Nielsen Media Research Indonesia memperkirakan iklan kampanye di media massa dimulai tahun ini. Business Development Nielsen Maika Randini mengatakan, bisnis periklanan tahun ini tak jauh berbeda dengan lima tahun silam. Ketika itu kampanye partai menjelang Pemilu 2004 mendorong kenaikan belanja iklan pada 2003. “Puncaknya akan sangat terasa pada akhir tahun ini hingga pertengahan 2009,” katanya dalam keterangan pers di kantornya kemarin. “Tren iklan politik akan berulang tahun ini dan tahun depan.” Ageong Wijaya

Television, other media to profit from more ads (The Jakarta Post)

January 23, 2008 Agustina Wayansari , The Jakarta Post, Jakarta While local television stations are set to operate longer hour and newspaper pages are likely to get thicker, the public is set for an immense storm of ads as corporate sector is gearing up to raise their commercial spending this year. Wrapping up last year with growth of 17 percent, the country's ad spending is set to swell even further this year on the back of major sporting events and aggressive marketing campaigns by corporations, a report said. Nielsen Media Research Indonesia business manager Maika Randini said Tuesday that ad spending this year would grow an estimated 20 percent from last year's Rp 35 trillion (US$3.72 billion). "Tighter business competition among business players and additional spending allocated for several international events, such as the Olympic Games and the Euro Cup, will fuel this year's growth," she said. "The telecommunication sector will top the list of b...

Pemilu, Sumber Fulus Media (

Selasa, 22 Januari 2008 | 13:56 WIB JAKARTA, SELASA - Gelaran pemilihan umum (pemilu) baik daerah maupun nasional bisa menjadi sumber perolehan belanja iklan bagi media. Tahun 2007, pemerintah, parpol sampai ke para calon pemimpin menggelontorkan duit hingga Rp1,3 triliun untuk belanja iklan. Media massa boleh bersiap-siap mengambil ancang-ancang mulai tahun ini. Soalnya, bertolak dari hasil riset Nielsen Media Research Indonesia yang disampaikan kepada pers, Selasa (22/1), belanja iklan untuk pemilu mengalami pertumbuhan signifikan. Data pada riset itu menunjukkan, pada 2006, belanja iklan pemilu berada di angka Rp751 miliar. Lalu, setahun sesudahnya atau pada 2007, duit "cuap-cuap kampanye" menjadi tambun hingga Rp1,3 triliun. "Kenaikannya mencapai 74 persen," kata Manager Business Development AC Nielsen Indonesia Maika Randini. Jakarta, terang Maika, ternyata menyetor duit belanja iklan 10 persen. Itu artinya, pada pemilihan kepala daerah (pilkada) DKI Jakar...

About Wanting

I have been waiting for today, Friday, end of the week so that I can write in my blog or this place since I haven't been here a long time. Plus Abang just got a new IM2 modem where we can connect just about every where.. Pretty psyched up about that, so my mind has planned to do this for weeks. Has been wanting.. But you know what, now at exactly 5:47pm after work, I sit in front of my computer and have no idea what I want to write. Darn! Then, I remember what Carrie Bradshaw said in one of the episodes of Sex & The City, she said, there's this thing about wanting, once you have it, you longer want it! Boy, don't that happen to me a lot. :D So, people, be careful of what you wish for, you might not like it! Now, I want to just lay down next to Abang (in his arms to be exact!), let's see if I still want it once I am there.. (Well, I always like this, but it will take me only 15 minutes tops to curl up in his arms.. Some ideas to do somethings just come up when ...